
Transformative Re-existence Healing

Transformative Re-existence Healing

Transformative Re-existence Healing is an emerging field of energy healing designed to transform and re-ignite lost souls. A distinctive approach to trauma healing that will intrigue and inspire.

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The Autistic Mind

The Autistic Mind

If we delve deeper into the workings of the autistic mind and allow the body to be part of that journey, we can find the hidden dimensions of knowledge that can help every one of us.

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Into the future

Into the future

This is the setting in stone of a forgotten route to healing that can create long-lasting change, serve humanity and support the healing needs of anyone who seeks its benefits.

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Divine light

Divine light

Divine light is a universal resonance that impacts the heart and soul where it truly matters. Guiding us to harness intelligence from an inner well of knowing and have a cosmic link to infinite wisdom

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Spiritual womanhood

Spiritual womanhood

The spiritual side of health and well-being was brought to the forefront for these pioneering women who have taken a healing journey and gained greater spiritual awareness on the Premula Package.

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When you know, you know!

When you know, you know!

An opportunity to push boundaries and reveal how women can embrace the changes their bodies need to go through in midlife and be proud that it is a time to let go of past trauma and own who they are.

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Follow my leader - An eye-opening standpoint on the future of trauma therapy

Follow my leader - An eye-opening standpoint on the future of trauma therapy

Spectacular healing treatments support women at midlife or beyond to resolve their trauma history alongside hormonal changes that can bring an afterglow of wellness and womanhood.

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Take time to decide, but a decision you must make

Take time to decide, but a decision you must make

There comes a time in people’s lives when their trauma histories rise within them, forcing them to take action, whether they like it or not. But which direction should they take?

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How can that be?

How can that be?

How does trauma energy get stuck in the body-mind and fragment the female soul? It's a strange phenomenon, but when we learn how and why it happens, then the mystery of it no longer remains.

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Over to you

Over to you

Discover how this once-lost modality can help pave the way for the advancement of modern medicine and deepen the understanding of how the body responds to trauma when abuse occurs in childhood.

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We all have it within ourselves to heal in this new way so our inner knowing can emerge. So ask yourself, has the spiritual part of you been left by the wayside as you try to get your life in balance?

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Into the breach once more

Into the breach once more

The breach of our inner needs can start to close when we learn to reconnect with ourselves, and then we can find the life-changing answers that may lie within us all.

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